Monday, March 02, 2009

Something about Malaysia

Today I was approached by Asha's teacher asking me if I can do some presentation to the nursery children about Malaysia tomorrow. It was such a short notice because they were quite busy with the school trip to Wisley Garden last Friday (which I intent to blog about but still finding time to write. Will do it ASAP). She asked me if I can show something about Malaysia, something that we eat, clothes that we wear, folklore song that we listen to, etc. Aha!

The fun part is when we came we left everything that remind us about my beloved country in the box that suppose to be shipped somewhere this month. I have prepared the Malaysian flag and some CD on malay children song thinking that my lil'Asha will have to present something about our culture and country but didn't expect it to be this soon. Huhuh. So... what am I going to show tomorrow? I have my baju kurung kedah with me. So me going to wear that tomorrow in this cold weather. What's next... I have borrowed from kak Maswa the kuih cara mould (thanks kak... you are my lifesaver) just now and have googled for the recipe. Hope my kuih cara will turn out well tomorrow. I have downloaded some children song but haven't decide yet what song I want to share with them. Any suggestion? Was thinking about enjit-enjit semut song. What is enjit-enjit in english??? What else?? I went for a quick shopping just now and find myself browsing the shelves if they have rambutan or durian. Hahaha... In your dream, mate. How nice if they sell durian ye...

Anyway, hope I can present something decent about my beloved country, Malaysia. Malaysia Truly Asia.. lalala....


YaTiNordiN said...

Yeah..Malaysia Boleh!..Nyanyi "anak itik tok wi" la..Hehe..:-)

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