Tuesday, December 16, 2008

30 Days! The Countdown Begins

Pejam celik, pejam celik, dah tinggal 30 hari je lagi.

Berdebar gak rasa sebab macam banyak benda tak settle lagi. The biggest hurdle is the visa. Haven't even submitted yet because have to wait from hubby's sponsor to release the ultimate letter. Hopefully semua tu boleh selesai secepat mungkin so that boleh proceed with application for visa. Kalau dah dapat letter dari sponsor pun ada lagi benda yg perlu dirisaukan which is funding untuk kami 2 beranak sbb sponsorship hanya untuk hubby. Me and Lil'P takde peruntukkan. So hopefully apa yg kami ada cukup kukuh untuk meyakinkan pihak HighComm yg semakin cerewet sekarang ini. Doakan kami ye...

Rabbi Yassir Walaa Tu'assir Wa Tammim Bil Khair
Oh Lord, make things easier for me and do not give hardhips; And make my end one of khair.


Mimzzzy said...

amin ya rabil alamin.
insyallah bertambah lah kawan aku kat london sana.btw sue, we are in KL enjoying the sun babe.. so jangan lupa bring some sun along when you are travelling ahh.... nanti contact2 tau. calling2...

afidalina said...

kak.. make sure bila smpi, contact sy ek...? hope semua dimudahkan..

Self-Proclaimed Yummy Mummy said...

hi sue...eeeee im so jealous ur going 2 london wif the family...i wana go too!!!..if only june happens, muneez is the luckiest kid!!! ;)

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